Monday, October 31, 2005

... bomb's bursting in air...

This past Saturday was pretty darn cool. I'm kinda glad I got sick last week so Kristi and I had to put the trip to Clayton off. We were in the kitchen when we heard a booming sound outside.

We looked and it was fire works. It was kind of funny trying to open the door we were so excited. I couldn't think why anyone would be having a Halloween fireworks display, but I wasn't going to argue. Anyway Kristi informed me that the church up the street was having its big fall festival this weekend. I honestly don't care why they were doing it. There Were Fireworks Out My Backdoor!!!

I mean the coolest thing is we could sit on the patio and watch the whole deal. No traffic, do finding a parking space, no travel time. JUST RIGHT THERE!!!! Well, needless to say we will be looking into whether there will be fireworks at this church on the 4th of July or not. Just imagine. We are already going to put a park bench under the kitchen window.

I just wish I'd had a camera to get one picture. The view was just awesome. Gotta go to work now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

128 and Counting

Well, we've made it through the first 11 weeks of school. Fall is finally here (temperature wise). I'm so happy I get to wear sweaters and sweatshirts and what not... and cords! Going to the Triangle this weekend. That is, we're going to Clayton NC to visit Jeannie and David.

Today is a sad day. Rosa Parks died today. She started the bus boycott in Birmingham and helped found the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference). She lived to the age of 92. Rosa will be missed.

I'm drawing a blank on what else to tell the world at the moment so I'll probably do updates later in the day.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Happy Couple

happy couple
happy couple,
originally uploaded by ralknz.

The performance went well this morning at RPC. Reba, Roy, and Regina came down to hear the performance. Reba and Roy are my future in-laws, and Regina is Kristi's sister. We all went to Outback after the last performance and Mom and Dad got to meet Mom and Dad. Joe and Roy hit it off. Neither one of them would quit talking. We also finally got some decent pictures of us, the Happy Couple.

Well, the Milton robotics team has advanced to the next competition at Auburn in a few weeks. Yahoooooooo! Go Suzy and Sam. I'm not so sure that Roswell even got to the semi's of this weekends competition. I'll have to ask Suz tonight.

Remember my next performance is November 13 and we're playing Scarlatti's Sinfonia.

UPDATE: Milton placed 3rd this weekend at the Boost Engineering Science and Technology (BEST) competition this weekend at Southern Polytechnic in Marietta.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

I'm a Smart One

We're playing tomorrow 10.23.05. That is the RPC Orchestra is playing tomorrow. I'm not the fastest snail in the bunch (my own metaphor). Everybody keeps asking me to let them know when and where I'm performing. Well, I'm an idiot! This is the place to do it. Of course I have to make sure everyone is checking the site out so they can check out my performances.

Here is the current schedule as it stands now:

Tomorrow 10.23.05 at the Roswell Presbyterian Church (RPC) 9:45 and 11:15 services. The orchestra is performing part of the prelude and possibly the first hymn. Bach's Prelude and Fugue in Bb Minor is the prelude piece and the hymn is TBD (we'll know in the morning).

The next performance as of right now is 11.13.05 at RPC 9:45 and 11:15 services. We will be performing Scarlatti's Sinfonia. There is no hymn at this date, but that will more than likely change.

A possible solo performance may be in the works at Macedonia Baptist Church in Dalton. All that information will be forth coming.

I should go to sleep now so I'll be worth something in the morning.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Timely Shmimely

Well, this weekend was fun, as was last weekend. To start off with, last weekend Kristi moved to Love Lane. Yes, we will be living on Love Lane. That's so cute!!! Philip, Mom and Dad Holland, Regina, Kristi, and I packed all the remaining furniture and boxes into the family vehicles and took off from Riverbend for Love Lane. Philip and I only managed to mildly aggravate Kristi, which I think is a good thing for me.

During the week I managed to start exercising regularly (sorta). I get to school around 6 in the morning and do alpines. That is a lap around the track plus once through the stadium. I like these. They give variety to boring old laps. I will also start alternating riding in the morning with running(once I start running) when I find a place to keep the track bike (and indoor trainer) at school.

This weekend Mom and Dad Holland brought down a washer and dryer which we got into the house with only one pulled muscle (on me, not noticed until much later). That was Saturday, the day after a depressing homecoming game against Walton. We gave them the game. Mental, all mental. On Sunday, Kristi and I went shopping for livingroom furniture. We got a couch, coffee table, end table, and mattress (no the mattress is not going in the livingroom they just had a deal). Now we can invite people over and be all sociable and stuff.

Gotta meeting to go crash (forgot to get my name put on the list)