Monday, January 30, 2006

We're Back and We're Magnifique

This Sunday, Feb. 5, the RPC Orchestra is back in action. We will be playing at the 9.45 and 11.15 services. The selections are some hymns to be named later and Two Magnificats by Pachelbel. The fun fact of this performance is that I haven't seen the music yet. Speaking of that. I need to go see if Mr. Moody can bring me the music so I can run through it before rehearsal tomorrow night.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Zum Geburtztag von Herr Mozart

Well, today 250 years ago the world was blessed with musical genius. Mozart was born and we got stuff like opera in the vernacular and all kinds of excellent music from piano concertos to opera. At the moment I am working on (at least I'm thinking about working on) Rondo ala Turca.

I went for a walk yesterday at a park I haven't been to before. It was highly enjoyable and about 2 and a 1/4 miles. Lots of up and down and wild life around. It's also on the way home from school. Huge plus.


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The time has come to return to the blogging business. I just took a hiatus over the holidays, but I think next year I shall utilize Swordfish in appraising the world (and myself) of what would be good gift giving ideas, in both directions.

I have learned how exciting preparing for a wedding is. Really, I have. Last night we decided on the menu for the reception. Kristi and I are so meant for one another. Every item I wanted she wanted. We love the same foods (except the spicy stuff but there wasn't any of that on the list)

Randy is interviewing this week for a church job here in Atlanta. If he gets the church job he may also take a position as conductor with a local orchestra.

Well that's all for the time being.