Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Rat Patootie

We got a huge eggplant, some red onions, and yellow bell peppers in the veggie box at school yesterday. So, I decided ratatouille was going on the menu, for Kristi and myself at least, at our house. Well, there's no better way to get the minions into food they're not used to than letting them help when they ask.
I cut up the onions, Claire added the tomato paste and sautéed them. Pearce cut up the tomatoes and I got on the zucchini and peppers. I also did for the Aubergine (look at me being polley view francey).
Claire also cut some lavender and rosemary off the pots on the porch. I got the oregano because it's the newest and smallest of the herbs.
Well, it's all in the crockpot now and we'll see what we see in a few hours. The kids and I are going to finish watching Ratatouille.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Grilling in the Rain

Grilling burgers and dogs in the rain with Claire Bear and listening to Big Band music. Thinking of Papa.

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Big City Greens

If this goes well guess what I might be growing this fall

Wednesday, June 03, 2020