Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another One In the Books

Well, the school year is complete. No more workdays, no more students. Picnics and final awards have been handed out. Now my days are free to do as Kristi pleases.

Would you look at the first Day Lily of the year. Kinda pretty, huh.
That boy is just to funny for words sometimes. We were grilling and chilling at Nana and Pops. Pearce just felt like sticking his foot up in the air (he held it there for a few minutes)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Every Boy Must Learn the Art of the Tractor

I don't think words are necessary. Guess what Pearce is getting for his birthday.

Tractors and Balloons and Cars Oh My

We went to Decatur Alabama for a balloon festival. Well, the balloons got cancelled by the weather, but we got to see the cars and tractors. Here below are a few examples. In a while I might get a few slide shows up here.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


We are at t-plus one and counting down. Today doesn't count having already made it past the announcements. This has been the most awesome year after two years of H-E-DoubleToothpicks at that school system which must not be named. I can't wait to see what Kristi has planned for me and Pearce this summer. OK just me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

We Are In Single Digits Folks

It is with great pleasure that I contemplate the fact that we have entered the single digits in the count down to summer. Yesterday we had our last faculty meeting. Oh joy. The 8th grade will watch "Bedtime Stories" today as a reward for doing what they were required to do(?) Go figure. Well, it is almost time to go to work for day 174 of the school year.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Searsucker and Shingaurds

Lookie Lookie what Uncle Phil and Aunt Shelley bought Pearce for his birthday. Yes, I am not the only one that can't hold on to a good present.

Merry Mothers' Day to All

Today is a good day. Mom's all over the place, "We thank you." Especially the kids of the world if Dad happens to know how to cook. Later you will get to witness Pearce's first pancake.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Random Acts of Photography

Too many toons for the little man.

Happy munchkin

Goody, Goody we get to wear our searsucker.

Just call me Spike

Me and Mommy at the Merry-Go-Round

Hey, I've seen one of those before.

Mom and Dad should not be allowed random access to cameras

Pearce Likes Birthdays

You put your right foot out, You put your right foot in.

Yeah, a boy could get use to this kind of attention.

A boy has got to have his entourage.
I think this chair will go just fine right over there.
Some boy bonding time without the girls.