Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All Hail King Ricky

King Ricky in the 17th year of his reign.

Baby It's Cold Outside

No words are needed I believe.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pearce Meets the Blevins

What is Isabell doing on the floor. Does she know what those cats do over there?

Well, this hanging out with Uncle J is kind of alright. Aunt Michele could have gotten in on the action. We'll get her next time.

Just Like Daddy...Asleep In Front of the TV

Not only is Pearce passed out in front of the TV. He did it on his back. Pearce never goes to sleep on his back. He generally wakes up if he winds up on his back. This, however, is what happens when you mix a long day with Wheel of Fortune.

Don't You Just Love This Outfit

Isn't this the cutest outfit ever? And its got footies, too. Soccerballs, Footballs, Baseballs, and Basketballs all over the place. The best thing is that his little hands don't disappear up the sleeves.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Would You Look at That Boy

This boy is just full of the cutest looks. These pictures were taken getting ready for work and daycare. I don't really remember what particular thing he was doing that I was trying to capture. I just remember that ... I remember he kept smiling and every time I pulled the camera out and got it to my face he quit smiling. We still got the cutie-pie looks he can't help but spread around.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

No ruby slippers but, I got home. Two days down in Atlanta and I was ready to get home to my little family. I enjoyed riding MARTA but, I haven't held my little guy in 2 days.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Got Sprinkled on Sunday

Here are a few pictures from the Baptism this weekend. We got our camera in the bag and added an extra set of batteries and left it on the kitchen table and our other camera with video went dead when it was turned on. That's why there is no live action footage.

Mom's camera didn't come out until after the service. We missed everyone. Pearce was just the best little boy. He was quite the interested little fellow. The whole time Ken (preacher, not nephew) was talking, Pearce was focused completely on him. As he was being presented up and down the aisles Pearce looked at everyone near him.

He fell asleep for most of the service. He woke up right before we were called up. After we sat down he went right back down and stayed until he needed to go to the changing table.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Heathens Have Left the Building

It is Fall Break and how happy are we. This is going to be a whirlwind weekend. Little big man is getting baptized this weekend. Kristi and I have now been married 2 years. It seems just like yesterday. We are taking alone time on Saturday; the last until soccer, and school is over at the earliest. That'll be six months from now. Everybody is excited about Pearce's baptism; the first baby born into the church in a few years. The lady that gives the baptismal gift won't be there on Sunday so the director of the bell choir jumped at the chance to give Pearce the gift and is running around telling every body that she gets to give him his present. It's a shame nobody loves this poor little boy. As always, pictures and video will be posted some time after the event.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Home Grown Highland Games

We had a fine old time at the Highland Games. It's a great way to celebrate the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterian Church. Throwing telephone poles, hay bales, and hammers is great. Showing off your knees is fun too. The Bonny (not boney) Knees contest was swept by the Elkins males. Pearce won, Uncle Randy came in second, and Daddy came in third.

The Boy's First Road Trip

Pearce got to experience the local attractions, both commercial and natural, of Pigeon Forge. To top it all off he got to try rice for the first time. Pearce hasn't decided whether he prefers to wear it or eat it. Updates on the rice later.