Thursday, January 27, 2011

Here Ya Go Randy

I'll put more pics up soon.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Look at Those Legs

Do these socks bring back memories or what? I saw theses for the first time when I was changing Claire. I instantly thought of Jeannie and then all of my sisters. I think Jody is the one I remember seeing in the crazy socks about as much as Jeannie. Thought these needed sharing.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One Fish, Two Fish

Daddy just called and relayed a good story from David Elkins about Great Grandaddy Berry Elkins.

Back in the day fishing boats would come in on Thursdays so that the Catholics would have fish on Fridays. That's why everyone had fish on Fridays. Well, on Thursdays Berry would walk in to Cairo from Woodland (about 5 miles) to buy a fish. One fish.

Greatgranny Emily and Aunty (sisters) would go in to town to buy fish, too. However, each had to buy her own. It turns out neither would eat a fish that the other had bought. Two Fish.

Andrew Elkins

Gotta Love This Fascinating Modern Age We Live In

I'm contemplating changing the name of this blog to "Party Like It's 1984"

Andrew Elkins

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Great Place to Get a Dog

I was just down at the bike shop talking to Mike and ordering a new front wheel. It was lunch time and I saw something "new" (I haven't been downtown in a month or so).

What I saw is Pastimes, a hotdog shop. I fell in love with the place just walking in the door. The music is Hank Williams, Elvis, Big Band and more from those eras. The decor is everything from the twenties to today. There's a crank telephone on the wall just down from a neon sign.
They have displays of Roman writers and photographers. They also do radio forums from the store. During the state football championship season they had former team members of state championship teams from the area in answering questions. On February 19 Pastimes will be holding a radio forum on the history of Rome and the area.
Seriously, though, the dogs are what it's about. I had a Vienna dog on a poppyseed bun with salsa and guacamole. Awesome! They do 'em Chicago style, Chili dogs, any way you want it. They even have Keurig so you can make whatever coffee, tea, chocolate, or cider you care to have.
When in Rome... stop by Pastimes!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Days

Dad and I were talking about the "olden snow days". We rembered the time you were out of school right after New Year's Day for a week or was it longer.  I think that was the time we had to go up to Elkins Rd to pick-up the Lauer kids who came out for the day.
Love, Mom
          Did we go on the tractor to pick them up????

           I don't remember that, but I do remember having to wear baggies
           between layers of socks when we went outside. I also remember
           that huge-mongous container you used to make hot chocolate in!!!
             It's not fair that we're in the 20s with no snow...course that's too
            cold for snow (is there such a temp?). Off to look at the white sand :\

             well...i think there was one BIG event in 1971 around snow days,
             right??? birth of   Andrew, putting his bed in front of the fireplace,
             etc. I believe that we'll be celebrating the 40th anniversary of that
             one this year.

             i also remember sledding down the hill when the highway was
             closed when they were widening the bridge.

             i remember baggies for waterproofing, too.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And The Pitch ...

I amaze myself sometimes with the lucky shots I get. I was trying to get a picture of Pman holding that chunk of snow. I got that chunk of snice right in the shin.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Papa

The lake has been on my mind this week. The last time we had anything like this snow was the winter before the big flood. I also opened a cabinet today and smelled the cereal cabinet. You know the one on the corner going into the kitchen?
Well, today is Papa's birthday. It's been a long time since I was able to get down to the cemetery on today. Teaching kind of gets in the way. Mom, Randy, and Beck reminded me of a good way to commemorate the day. I am making a cup of coffee doctored with sweetened condensed milk. Just like Papa showed me how to make.

Andrew Elkins

Monday, January 10, 2011

Resting Between Snow Battles

Some T, a blanket, and good movie. What better way to spend a snow day?

Just Call Me Nanuk

The intrepid explorer trekking across the frozen wastes of the front yard. Yes, that is snow to the tops of Pearce's wellington's.

Just a little deeper than I thought.

Sunday, January 02, 2011


I just thought this would be a cute way to start the new year off. Claire just can't seem to keep her socks on at any time.
We started the year off right. Watching football and eating at Nana's. Bowl games, black eyed peas, pork (three kinds), and greens. We are ready for the year to get rolling.
Tomorrow Claire will start daycare with her big brother. I'm not sure anybody is ready for that. We'll have to see how Mommy and Daddy handle it. Not to mention Nana and Miss Laurie.

Saturday, January 01, 2011