Saturday, February 27, 2010

You've All Heard the Good Word Now Take a Look

Baby Elkins first picture.

Baby Elkins from the front.

Baby Elkins waving and getting measured.

A still shot of Baby Elkins circulation.

Baby Elkins doing the Astronaut.

The red and blue is Baby's circulatory system at work.

Look at that awesome heart beat go thumpa thumpa.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Miss Dama's Robe

Dialing Mamaz number so I can tell her thanks and see if she can do something about Daddy and the picture taking.

Hey, this is a cool robe Mamaz. Thanks again, but Daddy keeps taking pictures.

Look at my phone. It goes with the cool robe Mamaz sent me.

Phone goes in the pocket. Hey! This thing has a pocket.

Daddy just made me put it all on for this picture.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pearce Hits the Snow Once Again

BRRRRRRRR, It just isn't the same in the snow.

Snow Butty

Me and Mommy making tracks

Pearce's paw prints behind the shed.

This ramp is just too much fun to walk up and down in the snow.

Out for a stroll in the snow with the ladies.

Look at the park bench with my hand prints in it.

Mommy and the evergreen

Me and Nana taking a turn around the snow yard

Just enjoying all the white stuff.

I think this may have to be my favorite shot.

Next to this one of course.

Snow Days

Just some plain nice pictures of the February Snow Days in Rome and Calhoun

Friday, February 12, 2010

We are having a glorious day snow on this first day of winter break. Pictures will follow as soon as possible.