Sunday, November 29, 2009

Prepare Ye The Way

We had our Hanging of the Greens service this evening at Westminster Presbyterian. It was a good time Kristi and I got to put out the pulpit and lectern vestments. Pearce came in to hang a Chrismon on the tree. He is just a little to active to sit through a whole service yet, but he is cute as a button and bows his head for prayers.

The Elkins also had there very own advent candle lighting ceremony. We read Isaiah 40: 3-5 and the first stanza of Byron Herbert Reece's John: A New Testament Ballad. Pearce was enthralled by the lights. The reading not so much.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Elf Prince and The Tree

I am the ageless elf prince Goldenhollyberryboy.

I have come to rescue you from a boring Christmas

This is my ageless pet tree Greenbowmanyornaments.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Daddy and Pearce Bring Home the Tree

Let's go. I like the early morning get up and go stuff.

Look at my hat Mamaz so Daddy'll let me run around again.

Well, Mamaz, I do wear the hat, but it makes an awesome milk cup cozie when I gotta improvise.

I think the green tomatoes and onions were a hit. It made the Christmas Party menu just after the first bite. I'll of course be tweeking it and, yes, Mom you may have the recipe.

This was a hit as well. It is the first cheesecake that I actually put flour in. I really liked it and so did Phil. Big hits all around.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day

I'm trying two new things for Thanksgiving. Well, three things. I just pulled a pumpkin cheesecake out of the oven and I'm cooking a green tomato and onion gratin. Living on the edge. The third is hosting the big meal at our own house.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Testing 1, 2, 3

The Mazda is Dead; Long Live the Highlander

We have at long last bid the Mazda fairwell. The 626 has been in the terminal stages of car disease for the past few months (years) and on the way home from the carwash this morning it finally decided it was done. Well, we promptly went down to the car dealership around the corner from the house and began looking for a mini-van for Pearce (start him early). True to form Kristi and I left with something totally different than what we went looking for. Now, we will actually have to decide which vehicle to take when we go places. How cool is it that we have two healthy cars and they both have roof racks?

Kristi and her new wheels at the dealership

Kristi driving off the lot telling me to quit taking pictures

The Highlander with nice halo effects in Reba and Roy's drive way.

No More Kitchen Chairs for the Company

Well, unless you prefer the straight backed chair Dad. Would ya look at these beeeeeeeuuuuuuuuutiful pieces of furniture? They are wonderfully comfortable to.


Don't worry Daddy I'll carry you to safety.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Happy Birthday Marine Corps

1775 to 2009

A Long and Illustrious History

On November 10, 1775 Congress authorized the enlistment of two battalions of Marines. Recruiting for duty aboard the 24 gun Alfred began at Tun Tavern.

Major Samuel Nicholas - First Commandant of the Marine Corps

Tun Tavern - the birthplace of the USMC

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Big Weekend for the Livingroom

This has been an awesome weekend for the livingroom at 105 Glenridge. Yesterday, we went to Calhoun and went shopping at the Badcock's. We got a beautiful living room set (couch, love seat, rocker/recliner). Now, after Friday, everybody can sit down without using the dining room chairs when people come to visit.

Today, I got under the house and moved the cable so we could put the entertainment center on the "Kitchen" wall. I also got the back of the day bed in the computer room secured (actually may need one or two more screws to stop a squeak). We moved the entertainment center and the couch. Now there is so much more room and you can see the rest of the house from the seating in the livingroom.

Y'all come see for yourselves.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Hangin' with the Cousins at Mamaz and Papaz House

This way looks safe Mommy.

Anything else you need me to do Daddy before I go turn the compost?

Daddy, it is NOT that cold outside and my John Deere hat won't fit over it.
...And Caesar went like this, so I went like that.
This is the best. Hanging with the folks at Mamaz and Papaz.

You know something Zoe? Your a good Horsey Helper!
Look at me go. Zoe you are the best at this.

Do you like the Mongol look? I think it is kind of "hordish"

Hey, this freezer doesn't go to O Kelvin
Thanks for the cool stuff Aunt Jeannie. See Y'all later.