Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Mazda is Dead; Long Live the Highlander

We have at long last bid the Mazda fairwell. The 626 has been in the terminal stages of car disease for the past few months (years) and on the way home from the carwash this morning it finally decided it was done. Well, we promptly went down to the car dealership around the corner from the house and began looking for a mini-van for Pearce (start him early). True to form Kristi and I left with something totally different than what we went looking for. Now, we will actually have to decide which vehicle to take when we go places. How cool is it that we have two healthy cars and they both have roof racks?

Kristi and her new wheels at the dealership

Kristi driving off the lot telling me to quit taking pictures

The Highlander with nice halo effects in Reba and Roy's drive way.

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