Sunday, January 01, 2012

Well Happy New Year Everybody

We started the new year off well today. The kids got me up at I don't know what time, but definitely before I was ready. We put on some Veggie Tales and had waffles, eggs and fruit bars. I had coffee and eggs/chili (huevos rancheros my way). Kristi had coffee.

We then (Kristi and I) cleaned house. Rather successfully with the kids awake. Pearce even helped, some. While cleaning we eased our way into starting dinner. Well, rewind, Kristi got up at 4 and turned on the Black-Eyed peas. Then I started the greens at ten. I use canned stuff but no one ever complains. I usually put hog jowls or bacon in but just used ham this time. It was good.

Reba and Regina came down. They fixed ribs and cornbread. Nana's ribs are pretty darn good. The cornbread is always great. Claire was pretty much done before we started good. She decided to eat a whole nother meal. We all left the table stuffed and the table was still stuffed.

I went for a walk and a nap. Regina and Kristi went to the store and the babies kept Nana occupied. All in all it was an awesome start to 2012.

Oh yeah the picture is not from today but it is a nice family picture for the start of the new year.

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