Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

Time to make the laundry detergent. Had a boil over this time, but I think all was saved. Half a bar of Fels Naptha (laundry aisle at the grocery, look for it it's there), 1/2 cup washing soda (not baking, your not baking the clothes), and a cup of borax. Grate the bar soap (you can actually use any bar you want) and put it in some boiling water until dissolved. Then put it in a 5 gal bucket half filled with hot water and the soda and borax. Fill the rest of the way with hot water and close up. Now set aside for 24 hours. After the 24 hours is up pour half of the detergent into another 5 gal bucket and fill both up and use.

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