Saturday, February 04, 2012

Boys Day

Pearce and I got to spend the afternoon doing farmer stuff. We actually started this morning. While Claire was taking a brief nap and Mommy was showering P-man and I went downstairs and began clearing the space between the driveway and the basement door. Later, after Mommy, Claire, Nana, and Aunt Regina went to the shower the boys ...took a nap. Then we got up, took the recycling, shopped for tomato seeds (Roma, Jelly Bean, Bigger Boy). While at the Home Depot we priced some door locks, 12' 2x12 for raised beds. After that we hit the Wally world to price more door locks. Found a better deal. Then we headed home to move the "tractor" (lawn mower) back into the garage till we get the underdeck "barn" finished. Yeah, we drove that thing all over the yard. Pearce, even got to steer. Then we cut back some more junk from the area we worked on this morning. Finally we cleaned our mess up and hit CiCi's to cap off an awesome afternoon.

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