Saturday, September 03, 2011

Fall Saturday

Pearce and I went running errands this morning. We picked up some shin guards, took the recycling to the center, then we looked at a barn at Home Depot. Pearce just had to. When I got home I looked up some under deck roofing systems. I'm gonna turn the underside of the deck into our barn. The happy side benefit will be added water collection for use on the veggies in the future.
Kristi is out with Regina and I'm here with a supposedly sleeping boy and a wide awake little girl. I get a little done on the dishes when not pulling Claire out of the "chim-chimmey". I hope to get a little more done on the front flower beds today. That'll mean more compost and a free reign to work on the back. If you've been here you know what a mess it is up against the house in the back. I also have at least 5 more trees to "prune" after the leaves fall. That is for composting purposes and weight issues. I'm waiting to take out some trees till they loose their leaves so I have a better chance of them falling where I want them to fall.

Andrew Elkins

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