Saturday, July 22, 2006

Floyd Rocks!!!! Floyd Rocks!!!!

I am breathless. This has been one of the best Tours in the last 20 years and yes I'm including Greg and Lance. Il Pirata's victory is the only one close in my estimation. Excitement? This was the epitome of excitement. Floyd gives up the yellow jersey to gain an unwilling ally. Insanity to give up 30 minutes! or pure genius? Let the other guys work for a few days in the flats and scoop the jersey back up in the mountains. Blow up in the most spectacular way in the Alps.

Wait that wasn't part of the plan.

ANIHILATE!!!!!!!!!!! the competition the very next day. Take it easy for a day and ANIHILATE the competition again in the final time trial and take back the Yellow Jersey for good and all by a minute.

I shall always thank God that I was alive to see this Tour. I hope Floyd has a few more of these up his sleeve. I shall be praying for his recovery from impending hip surgery.

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