Monday, March 06, 2006

Mom's Big Bash is Past; Guess Who's Next

Well, Mom's big day was really big. Everyone showed up. I even made it through the Praxis Testing in time to get there before the visitors started showing up. I had good time and enjoyed making the cheese cakes and seeing everyone. But, for real I need to inform the world of what I want for my b-day.

Of course I want books and books that are rather hard to find. So, here are some links to make y'alls lives easier.

Murder Mystery
Venetian Reckoning
The Death of Faith
Fatal Remedies
A Sea of Troubles

Racing Fiction
The Tour

If I think of anything else I absolutely must have I'll update.

1 comment:

Dave Shields said...

You get big bonus points for asking your friends to purchase a copy of my book for you. I hope you'll let me know what you think once you read it.
Dave Shields