Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Practice, Practice, Practice

Playing my cello just now I realized how extremely out of shape I am. Less than 10 minutes and my shoulder is worn out.

The fingers of my left hand are even worse. No tone whatsoever. My fingers strike, no they flap down, on more than one string at a time, and the harmonic squeaks are horrendous.

I shall be very glad of the improvement in tone that will come with having a piano to "cross train" on. The piano exercises I can remember are wonderful for building strong fingers.

I have a lot of work and short time to get there. There is a possibility of a flute, cello, and bells piece for Christmas (which is my fault). There may be one before that, too. In addition to that there are some concert flautists in the congregation that want to play trios with me.

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