I regret greatly that I did not mention the vast and large amounts of help Randy provided us in decorating the Christmas tree. Without his sacrifice (he hates to fluff fake firs) our Tannenbaum would have no boom. His selfless donation of cat (and Pearce) proof ornaments has been immolated... I mean emulated by other siblings. Randy also wins twice for best gift (best offhand and best unintentional). The gifts were the ubiquitous cardboard paper roll, and the premie grand that Pearce now walks around pretending to play whenever he remembers where he put it on the tree.

Here is a sample of Randy's work. Just look at the shape of that tree.

The cats are using the tree properly this year. They are sleeping under it instead of in it.

And the young maestro is attempting to replace the ornament he just removed. That tree is gorgeous isn't it?
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