I had an Angio screen on Saturday. My carotids are beautifully clear. All the relative numbers were within the minimum range. Some were a little close to the top end of the minimum range; which I didn't really like. Oh, darn, I'm going to have to ride my bike a little more and walk around outside with Pearce a little more. Shucks!

Speaking of Pearce. He went to visit Mamaz and Papaz this Sunday and took Kristi and I along. He is begining to teeth I do believe. This means a little more up and down in the night while the teeth are cutting. Anyway what I was getting to is Pearce slept the entire way down from Rome to Roswell. Except at stop signs and stop lights. At these he would roll his head from one side of the car seat to the other, open his eyes, close them, and return to the land of sleep. Amazingly he did the same on the way back up.

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