Friday, March 28, 2008

So Fast So Unfair

Well, the week is over. Monday it is back to the grindstone. I got to sleep a good bit this week. That was fun! I also got to cook some too. I made pizza on Thursday and that was a blast.

I found out that the cello is going to be about $250 to put just right with a new bridge and shaved down fingerboard. When I went into the shop down in Roswell one of the guys there squinched up his face and asked if anyone had played the cello recently. Well, that was why I had brought it in. I new I needed a new bridge and it turns out that the bridge isn't the only problem. The fingerboard isn't just right. I'll be happy to hear the cello after the work is done. It sounds good now with an occaisional buzz. The planing should take care of any buzz and a properly fitted and placed bridge will be nice.

We got the changing dresser in the baby's room. Maybe this weekend I'll put some pictures up for all to see. It looks awesome. We can't wait to see it all together. The furniture, fixings, and PEARCE.

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