Thursday, September 20, 2007

Black Eyed Bandits

I was reminded tonight about the story of the weekend from last weekend's camping trip. Kristi woke at 4 o'clock in the morning Saturday and heard something outside the tent. She tapped me on the shoulder or somewhere, I don't remember... Honey...Honey! There is something out there. I put on my shoes and shorts and a shirt. When I unzip the tent flap and flash the light out at the picnic table we were treated to a scampering herd of Raccoons. Five of the little boogers (little being a relative term) hurried off leaving a sacrificial lamb stuck in the beam of the flashlight under the picnic table. It finally took off.

In the morning we discovered that the banditos only got a hold of the bread and hot dog buns but left the candy and hamburger buns alone. Needless to say we put the food in the truck Saturday night.

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