I started the day off by falling asleep at the kitchen counter instead of riding this morning (5am). Then I headed down to the shop to load up George's truck for the triathlon at Lake Weiss. I got loaded up and was ready to roll but no Mike. It turns out he was walking out the door early at the firehouse when a call came in. Someone left their windows open and the neighbors had burned leaves the night before. They woke up smelling smoke in the house. The firefighters came and closed the windows and said that ought to take care of the problem.
Next Mike and I scooted back to Rome. I went by the Church to say hey to the folks at the highland games (I'm doing that next year). Went home and showered and went south.
Got to Milton just in time to see Alpharetta Marching Raiders do their show. This weekend is the White Columns Invitational marching band competition Kennedy looks good in his uniform. He is a giant next to Beck. Got to see Suz as well. They have got their robot about ready for the competition coming up. I can't remember which is first, First or Best, but they are looking to have two weeks to work on fine tuning the driving technique before the competition.