It's A Brand New Day
Well, it has been a while since I updated this thing. That is going to be one of my resolutions for the new year. I'm going to be more consistent with this blogging business.
First of all, we are surviving the Christmas season well. The Christmas Tree ...not so much. The cats loved on it a bit too much. The branches went from standing out ridgedly to looking like we had hung 200 pound ornaments on them. From this /, to this \. The cats were cute though while destroying the tree.

I just wanted to get the year started off right by letting everyone know what's up. I got to go now and get back to my competitive reading. J and Michelle, Kristi and I, and a few other folks are having a reading competition. We have a list of 100 Modern Library novels we have to read as many as possible of by the end of 2007. At the end of the year we will have a party to award a prize to the winner. I started Conrad's Lord Jim at 12:05 last night. I am so glad I am the only teacher in the bunch. Can you say summer vacation. I'm going to need the advantage due to my horribly slow reading. No Evelyn Woods grads need apply to the competition. We would have to handicap
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