Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fun at the Playground

Checking the action out at the local playground.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How Cute Am I

I Love Saturdays

It's a good morning with the punkins.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Little Man's Got a Hoodie

Pearce is getting to do his fair share of modeling today. The Hoodies for the team came in today.

Wacky Tacky Friday

Pearce is modeling his tacky get up before school. You have no idea how hard it was for us to come up with a wacky tacky outfit for the boy today.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Weather or Not We Need One of These

After the near miss last night Kristi and I decided it was time to get a weather radio. It will be especially necessary tonight since the weather isn't supposed to happen till after midnight. We'll let you know in the morning how things work.

Like Somebody Stepped on Them

This is what the weather did to our neighbor behind us. I actually think it was a vacant lot. I do know it is less than a hundred yards to our bedroom window.
We heard the noise and were in the basement in less than a minute. The kids were troopers. They had no clue what was going on but they weren't the least bit scared. By the time we got to the basement the weather had passed and the power came back on. It was fast. Real fast. I'm just glad we didn't see the trees coming down.

Damage to Our Yard

This is what the weather did to the yard and our next door neighbor's yard. That pine tree won't be missed by my veggies. My new compost bins stood up to the test.

Damage to House

This is the damage last nights weather did to the house.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Frog Strangler

We just had us a gully washer with a jet pack. We were laying in bed when the dish went out, the rain started dropping in buckets, and the wind started. Kristi got Claire, I grabbed Pearce, and we all went and imposed ourselves on Caesar. The kids were fine, but Kristi and I were all a jangle with the adrenaline.
Honestly, I think the weather was gone before our nerves settled again. By the time we got the kids back in bed and I went out to see what was afoot there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Crazy.
Well, I'm gonna try to get back to sleep now.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tiny Bubbles

Claire and Pearce chasing the bubbles around.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Generational Computational

Three generations of computers working on their computers at Mamaz.

Visiting With Papaz

Watching the Ghost dance with Papaz.

Travel Day

Pearce, Claire and I are headed to Roswell to pick up some fencing, a wheelbarrow and maybe a few other sundries to get the veggies going.
We started the day off right. I cooked up a pound of sausage from a friend of ours and brewed up a pot of coffee. Pearce and I sat at the table eating sausage and drinking coffee like good little farmers. Claire was to busy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Telling Nana All About It

Gratuitous Cute Baby Pic

How cute am I with my little top knot and Valentine's Day outfit.

We Got Scalped

The Wildcats roared into Ashworth today and the fur flew. We got ourselves a tomahawk shave. It somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-1 (or worse)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wildcats Pull a St. George

My middle school boys pulled off a win today against the Peperrell Dragons. Our season opener was a 5-0 rout. It could have been better but a penalty just outside the box soared over the goal and a PK followed suit.
Everybody got on the field today. I like it when I can pull that off. I have a couple of chances to do that this season.
I hope we didn't get worn out today because our region opener is tomorrow at Ashworth. It's a busy week.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

Valentines Day goodies before bed. It might be a long night.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dancing Makes the Food Go Down Better

Claire seems to like the choice of music at the Taco Bell. A little cheese roll up and a little getting down, with a smidgeon of crazy brother thrown in for good measure.


Pearce and Daddy did some yard clean up today. Pearce loves the tractor driving (of course it's turned off w/out Daddy).

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sunday School

Building a gear tower with Mr. Mike. Pearce could turn one lever and move every gear on the contraption.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Boys Day

Pearce and I got to spend the afternoon doing farmer stuff. We actually started this morning. While Claire was taking a brief nap and Mommy was showering P-man and I went downstairs and began clearing the space between the driveway and the basement door. Later, after Mommy, Claire, Nana, and Aunt Regina went to the shower the boys ...took a nap. Then we got up, took the recycling, shopped for tomato seeds (Roma, Jelly Bean, Bigger Boy). While at the Home Depot we priced some door locks, 12' 2x12 for raised beds. After that we hit the Wally world to price more door locks. Found a better deal. Then we headed home to move the "tractor" (lawn mower) back into the garage till we get the underdeck "barn" finished. Yeah, we drove that thing all over the yard. Pearce, even got to steer. Then we cut back some more junk from the area we worked on this morning. Finally we cleaned our mess up and hit CiCi's to cap off an awesome afternoon.

Friday, February 03, 2012

How Cute Are These Two?

Dad, you better hurry it up and get the picture if you want "cute".

Wednesday, February 01, 2012