Sunday, August 19, 2007

And the Days Go By ...

The year is actually off to a good start. We've had some real wrinkles. One overpopulated class. That's been fixed. Got a challenging new student added to my caseload on Friday. An EBD kid that doesn't nicely fit into any service model we have at the school. Never fear I have already put together a plan to accomodate. Of course, we must now see if the plan works.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Well We Made It

One week down and 35 more to go.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Hey Y'all Look at This

The website lives. It has hit the super highway and gone. I have to change the hit counter back to Zero and make it count only unique visitors. But I am so happy that it is up and running. It will be growing by leaps and bounds. So keep visiting. Keep checking it out.

Here it is

Go look the site use to have a killer links but I chopped them off some how so I have to restore them.

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Day Has Arrived

School is back and it ain't so bad. I don't like not being at the bike shop all the time like last week and weeks previous. The kids aren't all that bad. I think I'm going to be able to make the best of a less than perfect situation.

This week I learned that it is now 4 of 6 Elkins siblings in the teaching profession. Becky has taken a position at Creekview Elementary in Alpharetta. Randy teaches Music at Brandon Hall in Dunwoody, Suzy teaches Math and Computer Science at Milton in Alpharetta. Of course there is me, the baby, teaching Special Ed. in Rome.

Now all we need to do is get Jeannie teaching art North Carolina and Jody teaching something in social sciences or special education in Florida and we'd be 100%.

Of course none of my siblings start back for two weeks.