Friday, March 17, 2006

It's That Time Again

It's time to choose who will win the NCAA tournament. I have as is usual chosen by the most occult methods the teams whose names I liked or didn't hate. Unusually, I am not doing so well this year.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tis the season to go crazy

Things are blooming. That means two things. Work is picking up, and I'm in danger of getting stopped up. Once everything starts turning green I will have absolutely no free time. (i exaggerate sometimes) It will be a nice to change up the days. Life has gotten a little repetitive recently. I get to spend more and more time outside working in yards. Well, I've got to go check on the glass in the kiln.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

More Wishing from Me

I forgot all about hard to find music I want.
Any Buck Owens
Blue Grass Gospel

Monday, March 06, 2006

Mom's Big Bash is Past; Guess Who's Next

Well, Mom's big day was really big. Everyone showed up. I even made it through the Praxis Testing in time to get there before the visitors started showing up. I had good time and enjoyed making the cheese cakes and seeing everyone. But, for real I need to inform the world of what I want for my b-day.

Of course I want books and books that are rather hard to find. So, here are some links to make y'alls lives easier.

Murder Mystery
Venetian Reckoning
The Death of Faith
Fatal Remedies
A Sea of Troubles

Racing Fiction
The Tour

If I think of anything else I absolutely must have I'll update.